
You can make changes in the channel list in the channels dialog. The dialog is a bit complex. On the left there is a list contains the channels. You can select channels using with this list and if this dialog is open when you choose a channel anyway, you will see it in this list too. On the right side there are the controls to configure the selected channel. When you are configuring a channel, you cannot select another one.

Channels order

You can find two buttons, one up-arrow and one down-arrow, to change order of channels. You can use these buttons to move the selected channel to the button's direction.

You cannot move the channel meanwhile changing it.

Channel controls

If you change anything on the selected channel apart from add a new channel, you will lock this channel until you save the changes or revert to last saved settings.

You can find a save and a revert button at the bottom of this part of the dialog to make or cancel changes.

Add a new channel

To add a new channel you can use the add button. When you click on it and give the name of the channel, the new channel will be made with the actual configuration immediately.

Remove the channel

You can remove the selected channel whit this button. When you clicked it, it will seem like nothing to happen, unfortunately we don't show removing anyway, you can use the save button to remove really and the revert button to cancel removing. (It would be changed, when we have a good idea for this. (-: )

Rename the channel

To change the name of the selected channel you have to click on the rename button. The name will be changed when you save it, of course.

Channel frequency entry

You can see the frequency of the channel in MHz, and can change it with writing into the entry or using the calculator.

Channel frequency bar

Under the entry there is a bar shows the frequency too, but to change the frequency it cannot be used well, because the frequency range is too wide.

Auto channel searching

On the sides of the bar there are two button, one of them is on the left and the other is on the right. They can be used to search the next channel in the given direction.

It is searching with 1 MHz steps, when it finds a signal, it will be looking for the bounds of the signal and set the frequency to the optimal frequency within the bounds.

Mode selector

You can choose the video mode with this button. The selectable modes depend on your tv-card, usually you will find all the three what are handled by video4linux PAL, SECAM and NTSC.